Gold medal – VSA Competition
On November 17th 2022, at the VSA International violin making competition in Los Angeles, I won a Gold Medal for Tone and an award for Artisanship for my latest violin. The competition is usually held every 2 years in the United States and this competition had over...
Toronto Exhibition
Toronto Violin and Bow Maker Exhibition September 18th, Koerner Hall On Sunday, September 18th, I'll be in Toronto for the luthier exhibition organized by the Canadian Association of Violin and Bow Makers (CAVBM). With instruments and bows from over 30 makers from...
Cello -Stradivari model – Now sold.
September 10th, 2022: Now sold. This year I have a cello available from my workshop. I made this cello in 2011 and it is the same Stradivari model I've won awards with in the US luthier competitions. The previous owner passed away this year. He took great...
Violin available – from 2009
Our workshop has been busy during the Covid-19 period. I've completed violins for waiting musicians and my assistant has been working hard restoring violins. In between my commissioned work, I just finished updating a violin I made in 2009. I fitted a new bridge and...
Workshop open
Our workshop is open again! Please note the Covid-19 shop visit protocols:, as of July 7th, 2020: Visits to the shop are by appointment only - only two customers are allowed per visit It is mandatory for you to wear a mask covering your mouth at all times If you are...
Reduced workshop service
For my customers regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Out of concern for our clients, my family and employee, we are suspending all repairs, bow rehairs, and sales of strings and accessories until further notice. Hopefully this precaution will only be required...
Strad magazine Jan. 2020
In the Strad Magazine January 2020 edition, my colleague Hugh Withycombe and I published an article on madder lake pigments. These types of colour pigments were used by the great violin makers of the past to add additional colour to their instruments. They continue to...
In December arts journalist Peter Robb visited my workshop and we gave him a workshop tour. We talked about what goes into making a good string instrument and about being a violin maker in Ottawa. The article just came out online. ARTSFILE article is here - click. ...
VSA awards!
In November I took part in the 23rd Violin Society of America Violin Making Competition. I'm pleased to say I won two awards. An award for workmanship for my latest violin and an award for workmanship for my cello. There were 224 violins and 66 cellos entered in this...